
Edited Book

Ivan Blatný, The Drug of Art. Edited the first bilingual anthology of Ivan Blatný’s poetry in English, wrote an Introduction, and co-translated some of the poems. (New York: Ugly Duckling Presse, 2007). 

(Awarded one of the top three poetry translations of 2007 by Three Percent, The University of Rochester.)

Book Chapters

"Jirousova Zpráva o třetím českém hudebním obrození: Úvaha o formě a kulturní kontinuitě." Magorova konference, Ed. Edita Onuferová and Terezie Pokorná. Prague: Revolver Revue, 2014, 134-144. (The Report on the Third Czech Musical Revival of Ivan Martin Jirous. On the Form and Cultural Continuity.)

“The Totalitarian Languages of Utopia and Dystopia: Fidelius and Havel”. Ed. Costica Bradatan and Sergei Oushakine. In Marx’s Shadow: Knowledge, Power, and Intellectuals in Eastern Eurpoe and Russia. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010, 95-109.   

“Nic než svědecká výpověď: Janouchovy Hovory s Kafkou”, in: Gustav Janouch, Hovory s Kafkou, Praha, 2009. 265-311.  (“Nothing but a testimony: Janouch’s Conversations with Kafka. An Afterword to the first Czech edition of Janouch’s book).

Reviews and Articles  

“Reading Kafka, Writing Vita: The Trials of the Kafka Scholar Eduard Goldstücker.” New German Critique, No. 124, February 2015, 129-162.

Shoa in Czech Literature and Cultural Memory. Aspen Review, July 2012. (Book Review.)

“Village in the City: The Construction of Czech Identity in the Jubilee and the Ethnographic Exhibitions in Prague in the 1890s.” Bohemia. (Forthcoming.)

“Three of Václav Havel’s plays off off Broadway.” Slavic and East European Performance, Vol. 26, no. 1, Winter 2006. 91-95. (Theatre Review)

“When Americans Play Czechs: Švejk off Broadway.” Slavic and East European Performance. Vol. 25, no. 3, 102-110. (Theatre Review) 

"Karel Vachek's Bohemia Docta," Slavic and East European Performance: Drama, Theatre, Film 24 (Winter 2004): 56–67.

Franz Kafka, “Amerika.” The Harvard Review, No: 24, Spring 2003. (A Book Review)

Articles on literature and art for the literary journal Revolver Revue, the Czech daily Lidové noviny, and the Jewish monthly Rosh Chodesh. Regular contributor for revolver revue and its critical supplement, since 1998.


Ivan Blatný, poems published in The Harvard Review, Fall 2006

Scholem, Gershom: Von Berlin nach Jerusalem. Die Jugenderinnerungen.  Olomouc: Periplum, 2003. (Translation from German to Czech of Gershom Scholem’s memoir)

Berghahn, Wilfried: Robert Musil. (Olomouc: Votobia, 1996).  (Translation from German to Czech of a scholarly monograph.)